Remix OS for PC v2.0 (2016011201; release date: January 12, 2016) Alpha | 692,15 MiB
Remix OS for PC is a new operating system based on the famous Android-x86 that aims to bring the Android system to the PC platform. Old dog, new tricks. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Remix OS for PC allows you to experience Remix OS on a vast array of existing Intel-based PCs already out in the world (including even some Macs). What you can do on your device is invariably the most important part of any computing experience. By revitalizing your seasoned hardware with Remix OS for PC, breathe new life into it with over 1.6 million Android apps. Whether it’s for work at school or in the office, watching a TV show or playing your favorite games, Android’s rich app ecosystem always has something for exactly what you need and want to do. Play nice with others. Setup is simple and safe for your compatible PCs. Once you’ve completed the installation, you can boot up your PC using either Remix OS or whatever OS was natively installed on your machine. We’re hoping you’ll choose the former more often than the latter, but as mom always said “sharing is caring.” Experience unparalleled performance. We’ve benchmarked Remix OS’ performance using Remix OS for PC against some of the best Android hardware in the business. And quite honestly, nothing comes remotely close. Redefining PC mobility. With Remix OS for PC, you can also conveniently house Remix OS on a USB stick. That means you can literally bring your Remix experience wherever you go. With most computers in the world powered by x86 chipsets, you should have no trouble finding the right hardware to run Remix OS. Forget cost down, introducing cost free. We’ve always embraced the concept of less can be more. With that in mind, Remix OS for PC is free to download, free to install, and free to use. Is there anything else we missed? Oh that’s right, the updates are free as well. Changes in v2.0: some new features and improvements. Language: English Download Link Remix_OS_for_PC_64_B2016011201_Alpha.zip |
Labels: Operating System